A property price when you list your property must be correct and certainly in the current market. There are so many negative impacts when the property price is incorrect. Firstly, if a property is worth R2,000,000 in the current market you could and should list for there or thereabouts.  A seasoned Randburg estate agent will have all the data-driven insights to support the right price at sale. And a strong seasoned estate agent will pass on the opportunity to assist you. Do you have the best agent working on your Randburg property sale?

Can I get more than the market-related price?

Simply no.  We all want more for our homes.  The equity built up in a property over time will grow.  My role is to help you protect the real equity built up in your property over time.

We are often asked “could we push it up by R200k”

We could try, but the reality is that you will quite possibly miss the serious buyers who are shopping according to their affordability levels.  Yes, we could try, but you will be compromising the most important time on a new listing which is around 6 weeks to 2 months.  The first 2 – 6 weeks on any Randburg property listing is the most critical.  If after 2 weeks we are not getting traction it’s prudent to revise the price to ensure we get traction and to get you the Randburg property sale you are after.

What costs escalate when you don’t sell quickly?

Well for starters if you live in a complex, the monthly levies keep coming.  The COJ account keeps coming.  And your next home may just become unattainable because it is simply taking too much time to sell your Randburg property. 

And what happens in 3 months when you get no viewings?

Well, the market determines the price.  Buyers determine the price they will pay for your property.  If your property is above what the market will pay, we can and will expect offers around what the market is willing to pay for your property.  Market-related information is shared upfront and sometimes not always, a seller wants to add a bit of negotiating fat.  This does not always work and your property could well end up sitting on the market for longer than it should before it’s sold.  Need a fresh pair of eyes on your property?  Nicole and Sandy would love to pop through to give you a 2nd opinion.  Call Sandy on 083 550 1220.  We bring all the usual bits that a strong estate agent brings to the mix and we add Faith and Favour to our offering because we believe it counts for more than you would believe.

If you have time to wait for the market, should you wait?

In truth, if you can wait then yes, do wait.  But in 2 years when prices increase not only will you get a bit more, but you will also pay a bit more when you move.  It stands to reason.

The right property price is essential, price it right and it will sell

If you price a property competitively it will sell.  Price it too high and your listing will be quiet and you will probably get fewer viewings than you should.  Buyers get to see quite a few properties and if the home is perfect but the price is wrong, buyers will move on. 

What is a market-related property price?

A market-related price is a price that is set and agreed upon that takes into consideration the location of your property, the demand for an area and also the price per square meter of your property.

Are you testing the waters at a higher price or are you ready to sell?

If you are testing the waters on a higher price that’s also perfectly fine.  But you have 1 chance to make a good first impression and that is with an accurate listing price.  A bloated property price will just not get sold as quickly as you would like.

Let’s get the best property price for your Randburg property 

We offer sound, expert property advice.  Experienced and knowledgeable.  A solid solution that offers you a very good indication of what you will net at sale.  Brilliant service and excellent communication skills.  Honesty and integrity and a reasonable and competitive commission structure.  I work on 5% and you get the very best of all, the technology we leverage, my property marketing skills, and access to our social media following which has taken years to build.  Professional photos and more.

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Need to stay in touch?  Need to stay on top of what is trending for the Randburg property market?  Click here to subscribe to our Randburg Real Estate newsletter.

Call Sandy from Sell with Sandy on 083 550 1220

Need to get started on your property sale?  Need an accurate property valuation? Need to determine the correct property price in the current market? Need a property sale at the best possible price in the shortest space of time.  Call Sandy on 083 550 1220.  Or visit my website for more information.

What happens if the price is too high (wishing price):

  • Well, there are no enquiries.  None at all.
  • You miss the buyers who are shopping in specific price brackets
  • Your property does not attract interest from active buyers in the area.
  • Your listing gets tired and old and drops to the bottom of the rankings on the major portals.

Need a 2nd opinion on your Randburg property price?

Nicole and Sandy work as a dynamic Christian Real Estate Agent Duo.  If you need a fresh pair of eyes to help and to establish why your property has not sold, call Sandy on 083 550 1220Please visit our Christian Real Estate Duo Website for more information about how important the property price is when you sell.  Let us know if we can help and add value to the process and trust me we bring Faith and Favour into our real estate agents mix.

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