It’s never fun when things turn when you have placed your trust in a Randburg real estate agent.  But it does happen.  Let’s look at some reasons why and when trust is lost on a Randburg property sale.

How is trust is lost as a Randburg real estate agent

When your Randburg real estate property professional fails to show the empathy required to support you, the result is broken trust.  Sincerity is questioned and we lose faith in each other.  Let’s focus on the positives though.  What are the ways that positively build trust when you work with a Randburg estate agent to sell your Randburg property? Overpromising and underdelivering is 1 sure way to ensure trust is lost or broken. And it’s important to let you know the market is tough at the moment and it will possibly take longer than you expected to make a sale in the Randburg real estate market. Especially, if you as a Seller are driving the price. Oh and dropping a price without permission.

  • When due to negligence a Randburg real estate agent’s competency fails leaving you in a position where a sale is lost due to a failure of competency, general understanding or plain complacency.
  • When a Randburg real estate agent fails to provide transparency, ethics fail and trust is broken.
  • When your Randburg real estate agent fails to be reliable, integrity is questioned and trust is broken.
  • If your Randburg estate agent fails to set reasonable expectations about the price you want or need or the reasonable amount of time it will take to sell a property trust is broken.  In the current Randburg real estate market, as with many other areas across SA, it is taking longer to sell a property according to the FNB Property Barometer.  Ensure that expectations are managed in terms of the time it may take to sell a property.

Everything fails when trust is broken

The costs associated with taking great professional photos is lost.  An agent’s reputation is tarnished.  Your faith in the market and the agents working within the market takes a hit.  And also, an agent’s reviews plummet.  More importantly, when trust is broken you would be less likely to recommend this Randburg estate agent to assist your family and your friends with their property sale.

Need to connect with a skilled Randburg real estate agent?

Call Sandy from Sell with Sandy on 083 550 1220.  My experience has delivered solid results and I would love to assist you.  Or, visit my Sell with Sandy website for more information.

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